Keyboard Stands
It’s important to have a solid, stable and dedicated stand for your digital piano/keyboard. You don’t want to be practicing with your instrument on a table, desk or even your lap because it just makes everything more awkward than it needs to be.
There’s various types of stands gigging musicians may use but for most people, it’s a bit simpler. The 2 main choices are X frame Z frame stands. X frames are more easily portable but Z frames offer something more robust and stable.
Easily Portable X Frame Stands
The most common type of portable stand people use are X frame stands (Sometimes called cross brace stands). They collapse so they can be moved or stored away and are usually height adjustable.
You can get single or double braced stands but for heavier, 88 key instruments, the double braced is a more stable option. They can still wobble a tad when you’re really going for it but I have never had too much of an issue as long as it’s set up on an even surface.
There’s a few commonly used mechanisms – The first uses a bolt that you pull out to adjust or collapse the stand but personally, I find these really irritating to use. I much prefer stands that use a lever. You can also get stands that just click into place, which are handy too.

Not all the same options seem to be readily available in the US and Europe so I have some separate suggestions depending on where you are. I would avoid just going for the cheapest thing you find as there’s a chance you may end up with something rickety and unstable.
These items are available at a great online music retailer, ZZ sounds
Here’s a cheaper Yamaha option It does have the bolt mechanism I’m not keen on though
This stand is a little more but has a handy lever mechanism which are easier to use
This is a more professional grade K&M stand which also has a great lever mechanism
UK and Europe
These items are available from Gear4Music who I have purchased musical equipment from for many years, plus Amazon.
This is a more affordable option available I haven’t used this particular one actually but it does look to be pretty good quality
This one made by Hercules just clicks into place! Hercules make high quality gear
This is a more professional grade K&M stand which also has a great lever mechanism
There’s also a cheaper option on Amazon which has a lever! (UK)
Single Braced X Frame Stands
If you have a lighter keyboard, you may prefer a single brace stand
Here’s a cheaper option from Onstage It does have the pull bolt I’m not keen on though
This one from Hercules is great and just easily clicks into place!
UK and Europe
Here’s a cheaper option from Stagg Great brand but It does have the pull bolt I’m not keen on though
This K&M stand is great plus has a handy lever mechanism
This one from Hercules is great too and just clicks into place!
Sturdy yet portable Z Frame Stands
These tend to be more sturdy and stable but are a bit slower and more cumbersome to move around, so bear that in mind. They also suit a more ‘permanent’ set up nicely.
These are also a bit more comfortable once set up as there’s more space to get your legs under but they are generally a tad more expensive than the X frames.

Again, not all the same options seem to be readily available in the US and Europe so I have some separate suggestions depending on where you are.
These items are available at a great online music retailer, ZZ sounds
Here’s a great option form Gator Frame works which as a really sturdy construction (pictured above)
This on stage stand is a bit more but is also height adjustable if you need
This is a stand I own which comes with a detachable 2nd tier (Height Adjustable)
UK and Europe
These items are available from Gear4Music who I have purchased musical equipment from for many years.
This is a budget option made by Gear4Music themselves (Height Adjustable)
This is a fantastic stand from Roland (Height Adjustable)
This is a stand I own which comes with a detachable 2nd tier (Height Adjustable)
Fixed Stands
Some digital pianos also have the option to come housed in a fixed stand which look nice and are usually pretty stable. You can purchase these separately too but you need to get the one specific for your model of keyboard.

Obviously the drawback is they’re not easily portable so not the best choice if you need to move your keyboard around at all.